Precious, Not Fragile - a Column by Heather Novak

Heather Novak is an award-winning author. She was diagnosed with surgical hypoparathyroidism in 2003, followed by a pile of comorbidities. She hopes her column will provide hope and a better understanding of living with chronic conditions. Heather writes LGBTQ+ romance with disability representation and earned a spot on BEQ Magazine's 40 LGBTQ+ Leaders Under 40 in 2021. She's full of bisexual glitter and is pretty sure her left arm is haunted. She lives in southeast Michigan with a collection of mobility aids. You can learn more at

Writing about hypopara has taught me what it means to be vulnerable

I’ve been publishing books and blogging about my disease for over a decade, yet nothing has taught me more about being vulnerable than writing this column. I’m of the age to remember LiveJournal and have seen my share of nasty Reddit comment sections. Being public about anything personal — especially…

I’ve designed a routine to keep me going on hard days

With a chronic illness like hypoparathyroidism, it’s easy to lose myself on bad days. When intense pain and anxiety steal my sleep, it’ll launch a chain reaction. If I don’t sleep well, I’ll become more anxious, which causes me to hyperventilate. That, in turn, lowers my blood calcium…

Before my hypoparathyroidism diagnosis, I felt it in my bones

My name is Heather Novak, and I’ve been a surgical hypoparathyroidism (hypopara for short) warrior since 2003 as well as an award-winning LGBTQ+ romance writer. The tale of my journey starts with a skeleton — my actual skeleton, not the fake ones in my living room, pictured below and…